October 3, 2011

Carousel Cabaret - September 2011

Carousel is the brainchild of the incomparable Venus Starr and has been running for almost a year. The show started at Estadio but has recently found a new home at The Garden Club.

A long wait was relieved by Vinyl Burns who described his hosting skills as a 'long uncomfortable road trip to a mediocre destination.' The screaming audience who fought over winning his whistle disagreed.

Bonita Danger Doll on loan from Christchurch in fluffy skirt and matching fans moves like a dancer. She had beautiful music and movement (although we missed her floor work due to sight restrictions) but it was sadly somehow lacking in expression.

Fanciforia Foxglove performed the same act she did at her graduation ceremony, from Miss la Belle's classes in July, though this time accented by red rather than orange. She was one of the two or three who performed there that looked polished enough to go professional - congratulations on her for following through and doing it. Her act was a mixture of vixen and sweet girl, not many performers can pull off both but she can.

Gender bending Billy Black performed an alternative and much more entertaining NZ idol both unaccompanied and to a soundtrack. He has obviously had extensive waxing and can rock heels, stockings and a g-string. The second musical act of the night was Emily Fairlight who played in even less clothing - a pair of boots and a guitar - and possessed a beautiful breathy voice.

Ruby Ruin in ruff collar and mismatched outfit was a jerky expressionless clown urging the audience to 'join in the circus, apocalypse is drawing near.' Her act was more disturbing than erotic but fascinating all the same and illustrative of Venus Starrs passion for broadening the horizons of burlesque.

The most seductive act of the night was Athena di Lure judging by audience comments of arousal. Despite the purple mermaid hair she managed to have a regal bearing (her necklace and tiara helped too). The only disappointment was the end of the act where she shot blue/purple liquid on herself which not only seemed out of place but you had to squint to see. 

We're looking forward to seeing what is in store next month. Come along and make sure you dress up - you could win prizes (it pays to have a contingent of supporters in the audience if you want to win). Did you see Venus Starrs costume? It was made by Purdy Corsetry (look out for a review on them in coming months) who let us have a close look as it was being made, you can't tell from the pictures but those are diamante studs down the front.

You can find Carousel Cabaret on the web and on Facebook

Price: $35 (cash door sales)

Date: the last Friday of each month, doors open 7pm

Venue: The Garden Club (who you can find on the web and on Facebook)

1 comment:

  1. Your article is very poorly written.
    You probably shouldn't review anything until you learn to write.
    I await your poorly articulated retort.
