September 24, 2012

Carousel Cabaret September 2012

Magenta Diamond was the host for September's Carousel Cabaret. I think this is a first time the show has had a female host(ess). If it is possible she was more risque than either of the male hosts I have seen, but somehow less offensive. Maybe it's because she exhibits such joy in being on stage; in getting the crowd to yell; in shaking her (initial emblazoned) arse; in getting to ride three ponies (the two stage kittens, excellent actresses with whom she had a charming repartee, and an unsuspecting male audience member) while using a voice like a kindergarten teacher.

Gracie Hart opened the evening with her beautiful voice. It was a shame that her microphone was too loud and made the audience cringe. Luckily it was fixed for her song later in the night, Fever. She was elegant in manner and dress...and undress. I missed her last performance at Carousel but am so glad I caught this one. I hope she returns.

International starlet Miss La Vida came down from Auckland to perform. She repeated her 'Big Butts' act from her last visit, this time it was even better. I love how she does classic burlesque but puts a comedic and often modern spin on it. For her first act she danced for a blow up doll gentleman then took offense at his attitude and dealt with him to the adoring roars of the crowd.

Fanciforia Foxglove performed to her strengths with a naughty/nice act that she refers to as 'Sweet Old Fashioned Girl' which reminded me of her debut. Her outfit matched perfectly from hat, gloves, socks, fan all the way down to undergarments. My favourite part was the exquisite jewelry. She is heading off overseas for a couple of months and I really hope she comes back. The Wellington burlesque scene will miss her.

Do you remember the guy who gave an impromptu half time show, fully dressed, on the pole at the last Carousel? His name is Andre Corey and on Friday he was on the main stage. Dressed as a sad hobo clown he bounced across the stage, did a headstand on a chair, then showed the audience a smiley face painted on his bottom. Magenta reminded us that someone had to paint that...and she watched.

It looks like Carousel won't be a monthly event anymore, I imagine because Venus is so busy. The upside (downside?) of this is that the starved fans will fill the seats at every event. The San Francisco Bath House can accommodate more people than previous venues. I was glad this time wasn't as packed at the last but you never know what next time will be like. See you there?

Next show: 14 December
Price: $35 (cash)
Venue: San Francisco Bath House

1 comment:

  1. My apologies to the students of Venus Starr's School of Burlesque who I forgot to mentioned opened the show with a fan dance. Congratulations on your first performance ladies!
