September 10, 2012

Docteur Sketchy - Les Folies de L'Amour

The September edition of Dr Sketchy gets all French ‘n’ fancy with Wellington’s brand new cancan troupe, led by local star Courtney L’Amour ( if you don’t speak the lingo, it’s pronounced “le folly de l-amour”).

First of all, I’d like to point out the added touch of having a bowl of sweets always waiting for us at the door (this month it was mini Whitaker’s chocolates). The little thingscan really make something extra special.

Numbers were down slightly from previous months, the horrendous weather no doubt to blame, I was extremely grateful to the staff for letting me come up early to take shelter! Mighty Mighty is the perfect venue for a show like Sketchy, though working with such a small stage must prove a challenge to performers, especially with four ladies up there at once!
The upside of a smaller audience was better views of the models on all sides and having an entire troupe of cancan lovelies to draw meant plenty of choice for models and poses to give our artistic muscles a work out, it also allowed the performers to rotate and have breaks, it can’t be easy to perform then hold poses on and off for 3 hours.
The routines performed by the troupe were everything one could hope for from a cancan; cheeky, lively, and above all fun. There was a red headed songstress and accordion player (her stage name escapes me) who sang beautifully, despite having only arrived back in the country at 3 am and having learned one of her songs that morning. I hope we’ll see more of her about the place.

For me personally, this was one of the best Dr Sketchy shows I’ve been to, I had a brilliant time watching the performances. I think my art may even be improving!

The next Dr Sketchy show is 13th October featuring Atomic Ruby and Optimus Fine in “Robots vs Aliens”
Tickets on the door: $14 ($12 if you have a studen id/community services/Grey power card)

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